oasisbtred.gif - 1.1 Koasisbtred.gif - 1.1 KSnoods

The material for snoods change with the whim of the productionist. I'm not sure I can keep this page up dated with the latest colors but I'll try.

cot1.gif - 5.11 K cot2.gif - 4.61 K cot3.gif - 6.04 K cot4.gif - 5.28 K cot5.gif - 5.68 K cot6.gif - 6.52 K cot7.gif - 4.81 K cot8.gif - 4.85 K cot9.gif - 5.95 K cot10.gif - 6.28 K cot11.gif - 5.66 K cot12.gif - 6.04 K cot13.gif - 6.72 K cot14.gif - 5.77 K cot15.gif - 5.97 K cot16.gif - 5.34 K cot17.gif - 5.44 K cot18.gif - 6.05 K cot19.gif - 5.39 K

xlgcot1.gif - 4.99 K xlgcot2.gif - 4.58 K xlgcot3.gif - 4.76 K

pupsnd1.gif - 6.44 K

sat1.gif - 3.06 K sat4.gif - 4.54 K

shine1.gif - 6.30 K shine2.gif - 5.92 K shine3.gif - 5.74 K shine4.gif - 5.75 K shine5.gif - 4.05 K shine6.gif - 4.30 K shine7.gif - 4.05 K XLGShine1.gif - 6.39 K

sey1.gif - 5.71 K

When inquiring about availability refer to the code # at the bottom of the picture.

Cotton Snoods and Puppy Snoods are $6.00

Shiney / Sequin Snoods are $11.00

Graphics for this page generously supplied by
oasismwj.gif - 10.6 K

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Last updated November, 2009 by: Carla Helm